Popular Food Trends That You Should Be Aware Of

Nowadays, food trends are constantly changing. From fusion foods to eating more raw, natural ingredients, different diets have conquered our plates, and we’re left wondering: how long until the next trend arrives?

Here are some of the most popular food trends in America.

1. Fruits and Vegetables on Every Plate

Advocates encourage Americans to fill half their plate with fruits or vegetables at each meal by 2023 to help meet dietary initiatives of government agencies like the USDA and HHS. This includes eating five to 13 servings of fruits or vegetables each day, depending on how much physical activity you do. It also includes making half of your grain intake whole grains.

2. Eating Raw Food

Raw food is a diet that advocates eating foods in their unaltered state: uncooked, unroasted, and unsmoked.

Some raw foodists also eat foods that are not cooked at high temperatures but are heated past body temperatures such as pasteurized dairy products and sprouted grains.

3. Stop Buying Fast Food

This is a movement that encourages people to buy food from local farmers, which is more environmentally friendly and nutritious. Some of the major names behind this movement include Michael Pollan

4. Going Meatless Every Day

Meatless Days are a campaign that encourages people to eat meat only one day per week. The campaign is managed by The Humane Society of the United States and was created in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The goal is to improve health and reduce carbon footprint by reducing the number of animal products consumed each year.

As you can see, many different food trends are being used to encourage people to be healthy and eat more natural foods. To conclude this article, I’d like to say that it would be great if we could live as naturally as possible. Simple changes such as eating whole grains and fruits instead of soda and increased vegetable intake will reap major benefits for your future health and well-being.

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